Get treatment that is tailored to your mental healthcare needs.

Honey Valley specializes in…


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is its name but there are many subsects and variations to this neurodivergent way of thinking. In my opinion it is rather beautiful, not “wrong or a flaw.” Some symptoms include inattention, impulsivity or hyperactivity, feeling or being scattered, unable to sit for long periods of time, a need to fidget to focus and/or losing things.


Obsessive-compulsive Disorder is more than cleaning and flipping a light switch (thanks, Hollywood). The brain actually gets stuck in a loop of fears, what ifs, and scary images that keep daily life from functioning how it should or need to. These obsessions then lead to compulsions or a need to repeat or check. In heightened and/or stressful situations the brain is unable to move on or ignore the anxiety without some form of relief.

Other services Honey Valley, LLC provides,

Anxiety Relationship Issues School Issues

Self Esteem Self-Harming Spirituality

Suicidal Ideation Trauma and PTSD Depression

Family Conflict Grief College and Work Transitions

Peer Relationships

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.